terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

Historical day in Mongolia

City Wide Evangelism in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
September 26, 2012
City Wide Evangelism in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: A Remarkable Success with 103 New Converts and 246 Bible seekers who completed the course of “Voice of Prophecy Correspondence School”

In light of the close celebration of the 20 years Adventism in Mongolia come 2013, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, in coordination with Mongolia Mission Field, held a week-long evangelism at Ulaanbaatar.

On September 15-19, 2012, different meetings took place at the nine churches located nearby the capital city. The church members, invitees and guests were joined by the resource speakers assigned to each church in the persons of Pastors: Elbert Kuhn, Hashik Kang, Kim Si Young, Suk Hee Han, Nak Hyung Kim, Seong Jun Byun, Chuang Shan Liang and Lee Jung Hwa. Messages delivered centered on having “Hope for the Bright Future”.

103 precious souls were newly baptised

NSD Leaders and UB pastors prepare to give certificiates for VOP graduation

Newly baptized Mongolian Adventist members

NSD President Dr. Jairyong Lee pinning the VOP graduate

MMF director Pastor Kuhn appreciates for Dr. Lee preaching during the UB evangelism

Mongolian pastor baptize new member

Newly baptized members

NSD PMM & PARL director Dr. Kim SiYoung baptize new member


Newly baptized members, Speakers and Korean Volunteers

Dr. Jairyong Lee served as the speaker during the general assembly at UB Palace commencing on the evening of the 20th day of September, 2012 until the Sabbath day of September 22nd. Roughly, eight hundred sixty people were in attendance that were greatly blessed and inspired by the faithful service of 150 Mongolian Hishands Missionaries and the heavenly music rendered by both the Golden Angels and the Descendants singing groups.

Above all, the powerful sermons shared by Dr. Lee moved the crowed. On Thursday night, he talked about being born again- comparing our spiritual lives to the birth of a child; that unless we are born by the Spirit and by the love of Christ, our lives will never be anew. On Friday eve, Dr. Lee spoke about the ‘Greatest Historical Event’, citing the world historic tragedy and calamities unfolding before men as manifestation of Christ soon coming.  During the Sabbath, the message highlighted about making ‘The Best Choice of your Life’, which made reference to becoming a member of the family of God, the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The incessant toil and prayers of all speakers from NSD, MMF(Mongolian Mission Field) leadership, 150 Mongolian Hishands Missionaries, about 50 Korean lay-people supporters for community service and Mongolian Church Pastors and leaders indeed paid off because 246 Bible seekers received the certificate and pin of graduation as they completed the course of “Voice of Prophecy Correspondence school” and 103 precious souls received baptism on the Sabbath afternoon- a history, on its own right, knowing that many of the Mongolians are ambivalent towards Christianity.

As envisioned by the leadership of Pastor Elbert Kuhn, MMF Director, we are all to be ‘United, Committed and Focused’ on God’s mission; the mission of the SDA Church to proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel in the context of the 3 angels messages of Revelation 14. We are to carry the torch of light; for the end time is at hand!

domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012

Publishing in Mongolia

A Call for Literature Evangelists
August 27, 2012
The Publishing Director of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Dr. Howard Faigao, and the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Publishing Director, Dr.Teru Fukui, came to Mongolia on August 14 and 15, 2012. They met with the Administration officers, Church Pastors and Church Leaders of the Mongolia Mission Field (MMF) concerning its drive to promote the publishing ministryworldwide through the active participation of literature evangelists. In Pastor Faigao’s presentation, emphasis was given on the importance of having a sense of mission and vision,as well as strong leadership. He also discussed formulation of publishing policies that will address in part the remuneration and benefits of the colporteurs, and having a  quality product- the printed books - which are worthy for selling and sharing.

During the consultation process in the Publishing Committee of MMF, it was agreed that the latter will create Mongolia Adventist Publishing Association. In doing so, each Church is to be represented by at least one literature evangelist. Administrators, on the other hand, committed to intensify the promotion in all areas of the Publishing ministry program and to enhance the accountability of existing books, sales proceeds, and the overall operation of the Publishing Association. Testimonies for the Church 8:89 states, “the printing and circulation of books and papers that contain the truth for this time are to be our work”. MMF surely embraces the commitment to bring people to Christ through literature ministry.

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

Descobrindo os Milagres de Deus na China/ Discovering God's miracles in China

Descobrindo os Milagres de Deus na China

POR: Tive o privilegio de visitar a China nos primeiros 10 dias de Setembro e pude ver em primeira mao o que Deus tem feito atraves de fieis e comprometidos membros da igreja naquele pais. Vou apenas colocar algumas fotos e uma pequena descricao a fim de nao comprometer nenhum de nossos lideres e pastores. Tambem nao vou citar o local. Orem muito por este povo sincero e com o desejo de um dia encontrar com irmaos que eles nao conhecem, mas sabem que estao orando por eles.

ENG: I had the privilege of visiting China in the first 10 days of September and see first hand what God has accomplished through His faithful and committed people . I will share some pics and a brief description in order to not jeopardize our lay leaders and pastors. I won’t say where it happens as well.

POR: Uma coisa que muito me impressionou foi perceber que eles passam quse todo o tempo em  oracao, leitura, memorizacao e aplicacao das Escrituras Sagradas. Nao se perde tempo com nada que nao seja relevante para a edificacao spiritual do grupo.

ENG: One thing that impressed me was to see that they spend most of their time in praying, reading, memorizing and applying the bible. There is no waste of time with anything that is not relevant for their spiritual growth.

POR: Este e um predio antigo onde funcionava a antiga sede da Divisao antes que o sistema atual tomasse posse de tudo. Ainda se pode ver alguns moveis pertencentes a igreja dentro. O predio sera demolida este ano para se construir conjuntos residenciais.

ENG: This building used to be the Division headquarters before the actual regime took over. We still can see some furniture that belonged to the church. The building will be demolished to give place to a residential place.

POR: A China e quase toda coberta pela malha viaria do trem bala. Um meio de transporte eficentissimo que deveriamos ter no Brasil.

ENG: China is covered by the High Speed train. Great way of traveling.

 POR: O que faz a diferenca na China e o comprometimento dos lideres e membros. Creio que em funcao das lutas pelas quais eles passam, eles gastam mais tempo em oracao e comunhao. Grande perigo de laudiceia sao as bencaos!

ENG: I believe what makes the difference in China is the commitment of lay members and leaders. Because of their great problems, they spend more time in prayer and communion.

POR: Grupo de lideres leigos entre eles alguns muito influents na sociedade. Ao centro duas mulheres que lideram as igrejas com mais de 1.000 membros cada. Elas sao consideradas pastores na China e o governo as reconhece e autoriza.

ENG: A group of lay leader with some good influence in the society. At the center, two ladies who lead churches with more than 1.000 church members each. They are considered pastors in China and the government recognizes and authorizes them to do so.

POR: Algumas fotos de igrejas Adventistas na China. Nao vou dar muitos detalhes, mas e impressionante ver o que estes irmao conseguem fazer em um pais com opressao total contra os que seguem o cristianismo.

ENG: Some pictures of some amazing SDA churches. It is impressive to see what our brother can accomplish in a place with a strong opression against those who follow christianity.

POR: Este irmao, foi batizado em 1965 e sozinho em seu estado, comecou o trabalho. Ele e extremamente timido, mas foi sua fe inabalavel e sua entrega total ao Espirito Santo que fez com que hoje, em seu estado e pelo fruto do trabalho dele, tenha 43 igrejas e 6.000 membros.

ENG: This brother was baptized in 1965 and started the work of God alone in his home state. He is extremely shy and due to his faith and openness to be used by the Holy Spirit, by his efforts, today there is 43 churches and 6.000 members there.

POR: Jesus precisa ser nosso modelo em tudo. Olhe os olhos!!

ENG: Jesus needs to be our role model in everything. Look at His eyes.

POR: Esta e a China de hoje em muitos lugares. Um pais em franco e agressivo desenvolvimento.

ENG: This is today's China. A country experiencing an agressive development.

POR: Algumas pessoas que nao esquecerei jamais.

ENG: Some people I will never forget.

POR: Culto jovem as 2 da tarde. Que tal?

ENG: Youth activity at 2:00. What about it?

 POR: Enquanto este pastor falava conosco, a policia ligou tres vezes para ele perguntando o que estava acontecendo. Esta e a China. Em menos de 20 minutos conosco, eles ja sabiam do nosso encontro. Orem por eles.