quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2012

Planejando futuras igrejas / Planing future churches

POR: Esta semana viajei com dois construtores que irao trabalhar conosco pelos proximos tres anos para construir igrejas. Aqui estao algumas fotos desta viagem com temperaturas de - 25C. Viajamos 1.320 km nas "auto pistas" em dois dias. So bencaos!

ENG: This week, I traveled with two developers who will be working with us for the next three years to built churches. Here are some pics from our trip with temperatures of - 25C. We traveled 1.320 km in the "highways" in two days. Only blessings!

POR: A beleza do frio
ENG: The beauty of the cold

POR: Crianças sao sempre crianças, nao importa aonde.
ENG: Children are always children, no matter where.

POR: Se perdeu? Pergunte!
ENG: Are you lost? Ask!

POR: A vida como ela e na Mongolia.
ENG: The life as it is in Mongolia

POR: Um povo especial e hospitaleiro
ENG: A special and hospitable people

POR: Em frente de um terreno onde vamos construir uma igreja ano que vem com doadores e o pastor
ENG: In front of a lot where we will built a church next year, with donors and the pastor

POR: Um lindo pais, mas frio de gelar os ossos. Ainda estamos no outono, mas com - 27C!
ENG: A beatiful country, but cold to the bones. We are still in the fall, but with -27C already!

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

God Never Leaves You Alone!

God never leaves you alone!

Are you facing a strong temptation? Interpersonal conflicts? Difficult circumstances? In the Bible the apostle Paul uses the analogy of armor and warfare to teach about the equipment that’s essential for stan
ding against temptation and spiritual attack.

First, he encourages you to put on the belt of truth. Satan is the father of lies. He’s constantly trying to deceive and trap you. In contrast, all of your armor is held together by truth, which comes from the Father of Truth.

Next, you need to put on the body armor of God’s righteousness. Though there are many levels of meaning to this phrase, the primary one is that you’re forgiven and accepted through faith in Jesus Christ alone. You’re not protected by your own righteousness; you need the righteousness of God.

Next, you’re called to put on the shoes of peace and carry this Good News to people everywhere.

You’re also given a shield of faith to protect you against Satan’s accusations and persecutions. Prayer leads to faith. It keeps your vision clear when circumstances cloud your way.

The helmet of salvation is next on Paul’s list. In addition to protecting the wearer, the helmet identified a soldier’s allegiance. You belong to the company of Christ.

Finally, you’re armed with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. The sword is your only offensive weapon.

God never leaves his men behind in battle. Read Paul’s warfare prayer from the book of Ephesians 6:10-18 for help.
Foto: God never leaves you alone!

Are you facing a strong temptation?  Interpersonal conflicts?  Difficult circumstances?  In the Bible the apostle Paul uses the analogy of armor and warfare to teach about the equipment that’s essential for standing against temptation and spiritual attack.  

First, he encourages you to put on the belt of truth.  Satan is the father of lies.  He’s constantly trying to deceive and trap you.  In contrast, all of your armor is held together by truth, which comes from the Father of Truth.

Next, you need to put on the body armor of God’s righteousness.  Though there are many levels of meaning to this phrase, the primary one is that you’re forgiven and accepted through faith in Jesus Christ alone.  You’re not protected by your own righteousness; you need the righteousness of God.

Next, you’re called to put on the shoes of peace and carry this Good News to people everywhere.

You’re also given a shield of faith to protect you against Satan’s accusations and persecutions.  Prayer leads to faith.  It keeps your vision clear when circumstances cloud your way.

The helmet of salvation is next on Paul’s list.  In addition to protecting the wearer, the helmet identified a soldier’s allegiance.  You belong to the company of Christ.  

Finally, you’re armed with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.  The sword is your only offensive weapon.  

God never leaves his men behind in battle.  Read Paul’s warfare prayer from the book of Ephesians 6:10-18 for help.