Hishgee veio a igreja pela primeira vez quando ela tinha 16 anos. Tinha boas notas na escola, mas a unica vontade dela era morrer.
Por que eu nasci? O que estou fazendo aqui? Por que devo continuar vivendo? O pai morreu quando ela tinha apenas quatro anos de idade. Ele levou um tiro. A mae esta agora vivendo com o terceiro marido - um alcolatra que bate em Hishgee constantemente. Ela e os irmaos vivem em medo constante do pai.
Um dia quando a mae notou que ela tinha uma biblia e estava lendo, comecou a tornar a vida de Hishgee em um verdadeiro inferno. A violencia era constante. Mesmo apesar de tudo isto, Hishgee se manteve fiel. Quando a situacao chegou a um nivel onde nao era mais possivel suportar as agressoes e a violencia, Hishgee saiu de casa em um dia onde a temperatura era de - 42C. Sem jaqueta ou sapatos, ela correu para igreja onde foi amavelmente acolhida por Jagaa, nossa lider naquela vila remota. Chegou a igreja quase congelada, mas o calor humano e o carinho dos amigos e irmaos fez toda a diferenca.
A vida de Hishgee ainda nao foi resolvida. Ela teve que ir para a casa da avo que fica a mais ou menos 120 km da igreja. A mae e o padrasto nao querem mais ve-la e o grande sonho dela e em breve poder se batizar. Estamos orando e intercedendo para que Deus abra as portas e quem sabe em algum momento possamos conseguir algum patrocinio para envia-la para nossa escola.
Continuem orando por Hishgee e outras centenas de jovens que fazem com que nosso ministerio realmente tenha sentido.
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Studying Bible with Joshua |
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The result of violence because of her faith |
Hishgee first came to the church in Murun when she was
sixteen years old. She was in Year 10 and getting very good grades but she just
wanted to die.
“Why was I born? What
am I doing here? Why should I stay alive?
she was wondering. Her father
had died when she was only 4 years old. He
had been shot. Her mother was now living with her third husband – an alcoholic who regularly
beat Hishgee and her three brothers and sisters when he was drunk. They lived
in constant fear of their stepfather.
When Her mother noticed that she had a Bible and was reading it,
she also began giving her a very hard time and beating her very badly.
“What is this?” she questioned her, but Hishgee remained
silent. When her Dad found out he asked
“Why are you going to church?” “What kind of church is it?” her mum asked her.
That was in autumn but by January Hishgee could take no more
of the beatings. Half naked, wearing only the scant clothing she was wearing inside
the warmth of her ger she fled outside into the frigid temperatures of mid
winter. With no jacket or shoes she arrived at the church almost
She was crying and said she could not stay with her family
any longer because her step-father beat her so badly. Jagaa, the church leader took her in and
comforted her. Before that she had had no place to go and cry but then she felt
much better and quieted down.
She came often to church and then stopped. Later she again became very active in the
church, happily helping to clean it, etc. but eventually she ran away from home
and went to live with her grandmother 120 kilometers away in the countryside.
Her mother lied to the school manager. She said that Hishgee was very happy at home
and it was the church who influenced her to leave.
Hishgee called her mother from the countryside and also
called the police who arrested her step-father and locked him up until he was
sober. Her mother was furious and told Hishgee that she never wanted to see her
again. Hishgee could not believe that her mother would cast her off so
easily. It broke her heart.
“I will never forget my mum and parents,” Hishgee said.
She remembered a story told in Sabbath School
in Murun about another girl who was beaten by her father for being
a Christian and how eventually the whole family became Christians. When she heard this story she could
literally feel the pain of this girl being beaten and she almost cried. “If only my
parents could come to church,” she thought, “that would be so nice.”
She really wanted to be baptized. But that was impossible while she was so far
from Murun - every day working hard bringing the water to wash the clothes and
doing the cooking on her grandma’s property.
She longed for her friends to come and visit her and study the Bible
with her. But the 120 kilometre journey
would cost would cost 12,000 tugruks each way (10 USD).
It made her sad. But she really loved God and had peace in her heart.
She just wanted to help others.